It Never Gets Boring at Casamona: A Day from Life as a Marketing & HR Intern


A Day in Life of a Marketing Intern Working in HR

Hello there! My name is Mariia. In this blog post, I will describe one day from the life of a marketing and human resources intern working in Barcelona at Casamona International.

At Casamona, I've learned a lot just in three months. Now, I know how to promote apartments: from taking pictures to updating the website. I've also hired many new interns who are coming in the next few months already. It's been an exciting journey, and I'm happy to share my experience with you!

9AM: Workday starts

We usually come to the office at 9 am, but our schedule is flexible: some days we can start at 8 or 10, for instance, and then leave earlier or later. While the Junior Office Manager is organizing the office and making coffee for us, our Marketing Department is starting with overviewing the goals for the day and the next 10 days. The atmosphere at the office is friendly: everyone is doing their daily tasks, but we're still joking together.

10AM: Morning Meeting 

Every day, at 10 am, we start our day by meeting in Zoom all together. We discuss everything: how our deal processes are going, what's new happened, and what plans we have for the day. Each department shares its plans and we listen to everyone and organize our work. 

While interning at Casamona, I also tried myself in the Marketing Coordinator role: it's important to keep work structured and organized, and we also cooperate with other departments a lot. For example, as a part of promoting the apartments, we coordinate with the rentals and sales agents to schedule and confirm our photo visits with clients.

It's good to mention that if one of us needs any help with some tasks, we can also share that at the meeting. Everyone is ready to help you, and It's a chance to gain valuable experience in different tasks. For example, during my internship, I helped with accounting like organizing and managing invoices.

11AM: Doing HR: Online Interview 

When it comes to the recruitment process of new interns, it's important to keep the inbox clean and organized. That's why every morning we start by looking through the new emails and scheduling interviews with applicants whose assignments we liked. 

This morning we also have a remote interview at 11 am. First, we prepared for the meeting: and checked on Google Sheets what the person was applying for and for which dates. During the interview, we ask questions and try to get better understanding of what type of person we're talking to. Are they go-getter? Sales person? Or maybe a creative one?

Interviewing people can help you a lot in the future: it helps you analyze how to act during the interview and show your strengths. It can be also a lot of fun! For example, one time, when it was still sunny and hot in Barcelona, we were doing an interview on the rooftop:

11:30AM: HR Meeting 

After every interview, we have an HR Meeting with the Senior Office Manager and our SEO, Tine, to discuss together if we liked the person we interviewed. We analyze if they would be a great fit for us: how they showed themself during the interview, how their assignment was etc. If we decide to hire them, we send an acceptance letter and continue with the onboarding of a new intern process.

12:30AM: Photo Visit in Eixample 

After the HR Meeting, we're going on a photo visit in Eixample. We took the camera (and made sure it was fully charged and with a memory card inside), tripod, and flyers with us to put in the postboxes afterward for promotion. If you don't have a metro card, you can always take one from the office and bring it back after your visit! 

On the photo visit, we take wide shots of an apartment, in other words, horizontal pictures that we upload to our website later. We also record many videos and take pictures with our phones for further promotion of the apartment on social media channels like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.

13:30PM: Lunch Break 

After good work, it's nice to get some fresh air and have your lunch break somewhere outside in the lovely surroundings of Barcelona! Usually, we go either to the supermarket to get some salads with orange juice (recommended!) or to a bakery, or any coffee place, that is close to our office. But this time, as we had a photo visit in Eixample, we got some Argentinian empanadas and hot pizza!

14PM: Photo Editing & Promotion

After making a photo visit and taking our lunch break, we come back to our office and transfer all the materials that we took to our hard drive. Then, we proceed with editing the photos and videos. Once the editing process is complete, we begin promoting the apartment. For instance, we create interesting stories for our Instagram page and design future posts.

15PM: Marketing Meeting

In the afternoon, we have a Marketing Meeting to discuss what we did throughout the day and what's our plan for the next promotion of apartments, blog topics, website design changes, etc. The other important thing to do is the portal updates! We have the hot apartments that we need to update every week and we keep an eye on them making sure they're seen by our clients!

16:30PM: End of the day

We finish the workday at 16:30, but as I mentioned earlier it's really flexible and you can leave earlier or stay later as well. After a busy day, it's always nice to walk around the El Born neighborhood or even go to see the Barceloneta beach. I remember one time when the sea was still warm, we got sushi and went to swim there with girls from Marketing. Already missing that time!

How do you know if you are a good fit for Casamona?

The internship with Casamona is a great opportunity for not only gaining new skills for your future career but also for meeting new people from all around the world and making friends. Our office is always full of cool people from different countries like Germany, France, Bulgaria, Brazil, Denmark, Russia, and so on!

It's for people who love to be busy, get into multi-tasking workflow, and try themselves in many things from talking with clients to going on sales and photo visits. 

I believe you should apply for an internship with Casamona if you are passionate about your work, speak Spanish and English, have excellent communication and stress-management skills, and thrive in a busy environment.

My reflections and saying goodbye to Casamona!

When I first joined Casamona, I didn't know much about real estate marketing. But in a few months, I learned how to take pictures, make videos, edit website pages, and promote apartments on social media and the website. I also learned new skills in blog writing and improving SEO.

The internship gave me a good understanding of how the whole company works. It wasn't just about marketing: I got to do a bit of everything, which helped me learn and become better every day. Working with an international team also improved my team skills. I even had a chance to try myself in HR like organizing our inbox and doing interviews. I also helped with accounting and worked closely with my co-workers.

Last but not least, the people at Casamona are great. The team was super friendly, and my coordinators were always ready to help. Whether I was working on marketing or other tasks, the office was a fun place to be, and I learned a lot about how a real estate company works. Already missing those sunny days with Casamona with my amazing co-workers!

See you in Barcelona someday!


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