Danish university students visited us at Casamona!

 Danish university students visited us at Casamona!

Last week we had the opportunity to teach a class of Danish finance students about Casamona and the real estate market as an international company in Spain. Tine told them everything they were interested in regarding the industry and the process of opening a company in Spain. They were very curious to hear about all the differences in the real estate market in Spain and Denmark. One of our interns, Yago, explained the sales process to the students. Kim told them about the new marketing strategy at Casamona. Right now the marketing team posts a lot of apartments on all the different Social Media channels like Instagram and YouTube to get direct clients from there. 

Tine answered all their questions, so the Kahoot in the end of the presentation was no problem for the students! The winner got a Cavamona to enjoy during their trip in Spain.

We saw that they learned a lot and we were really happy to give them in insight in our work and company!


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