Pizza parties, dance classes, and more! Casamona is not just about learning

Everyone knows the stereotypes of being an intern. You only get awful tasks, no freedom, and you always have to get coffee for the whole team. Being an intern at Casamona could not be any more different than this! Here at Casamona we value our interns and believe that every individual that works with us, has something to bring to the table. Our interns come from all over the world to put their knowledge into practice and to learn from the experience of working in a professional setting. We pride ourselves as a company that helps develop the skills of students, but we also like fun!

We regularly organize fun activities after work. Sometimes this takes place in the office, and other times we go out to do something. Only last week, Tine organized a goodbye party for one of our amazing interns that had her last day at the company. We ordered pizza and Tine made sure that we had some cooled bottles of wine ready. But before we started on this, our colleague who was leaving taught us a short dance class. Back at home, this intern is not only a student but also a ballroom dance teacher. So obviously we could not let her leave without giving us a short demonstration of her skills! We all tried our best, but we were definitely far from being great at the dance moves she taught us when the pizzas arrived. 

At Casamona we believe that it is important to also let loose sometimes and get to know each other better. These activities help us to bond with each other and make us stronger as a team. Not only does it make our team better, but it also allows us to build friendships. We are not just colleagues, but also friends! In the past, Casamona organized lunches, dinners, drinks, beach parties, and picnics to show appreciation to our team. They work hard every day to make our company great, so they definitely deserve it!

If you are interested in doing an internship at Casamona, please check out our website. Here you can find all possible internship positions we have available.

You can apply by emailing us at


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