What Casamona Interns Love about their Internship!

Casamona works with a lot of interns and gives many young people the opportunity to do an internship in Barcelona. New interns are always joining the company, learning from the older ones that are towards their end with their traineeships. At Casamona, interns develop their personalities as well as their professional skills. Since the company started in 2004, more than 500 interns have taken this opportunity as of 2017. The company offers a range of exciting positions with all sorts of responsibilities. It gives a lot of liberty and room for creativity to the interns.

Feedback from Junior Office Manager interns

Maria and Victoria are two young, energetic students. They met here at Casamona while working as Office Managers. Despite the fact that they have different mother tongues and come from different continents, they’ve been working together with a lot of success. After 4 months of internship, they were asked how it was. “It’s a challenge” - that was the first thing to come to Maria’s mind. Then she went on to say that “working at Casamona means working under pressure and still being efficient. It also means getting real responsibility and having the flexibility for a lot of changes”. The other Office Manager, Victoria, found herself in “a real job with loads of responsibilities”. She enjoyed having responsibilities during her internship. For Victoria, “this young thriving team makes Casamona special”.

Feedback from Rental Agents interns

Charlotte and Giovanna come from England and Italy respectively. Both were Rental Agents for 3 months at Casamona. At the end of their internship, they agreed they had learned a lot, and had the possibility to develop new skills. “It’s a great experience with a young and positive team environment” says Charlotte. Giovanna, meanwhile, found that she “learned a lot here, but not enough”. In fact there are always ways to develop, and there is always more to learn.
Being a Rental Agent means experience in working directly with clients and making deals. Every Rental Agent works very hard to make a deal and rent a flat. But once a deal is done, the office makes sure to celebrate the agent’s success and let them know how well they’ve done!

Feedback from Marketing interns

Manon and Lydia were part of the Marketing Team, where they were able to exchange their language skills of French and English. Manon described her time at Casamona as an “international experience”. Lydia described it as “character building” work requiring “independent work”. Lana was another a marketing intern in 2020. Coming from Serbia, she was very pleased to meet other Balkan members from Turkey and Bulgaria among others which she did not expect on her arrival. For this reason, she was very pleased to see that every student from every part of the globe is given a chance for valuable work experience at Casamona.
Asking them whether they would recommend Casamona to others, they agreed. “If you’re searching for an independent internship with business experience and want to know more about Real Estate in Barcelona, it’s the right place”. However, “if someone’s aim is to learn Spanish or improve their Spanish skills drastically, Marketing might be not the best decision.” Lana did note however, that she did get to improve her Spanish skills from highschool by conversing with Spanish-speaking team members as much as possible.

"A sense of creativity is vital for success in this internship" 

The Marketing Team enjoys a lot of freedom and creativity, as the website and social media are a part of their responsibilities. Iterns work to make sure that the portals run smoothly hence they must be proficient in technology. The team also writes blogs that often get over 100 monthly views. Since the team is young, creative, and motivated, the blog posts are always include fresh and exciting ideas. You can find the articles written weekly by the Marketing Team here. The Instagram profile @casamonainternational saw a major improvement after 2020's marketing interns (Vivian, Lana and Edoardo) worked together to drastically redesign the page. This included logo, photography quality and suitable content in response to data analytics.
Finally, a particularly intern to mention is Raluca. She is a girl that started in Casamona as an intern in the Marketing Team for few months in the summer while studying. After a year she came back to Casamona as a rental agent and office manager. She is one of the most talented girls that the company got. After 4 years of working at Casamona and staying in contact with Tine, she’s finally ready to build up her own name in the market. Soon she’ll be opening her own business in Switzerland. She will be offering her services for people searching for Real Estate in Barcelona.

Looking for an internship in Barcelona?

Doing an Internship at Casamona could change your life and create an unbelievable set of opportunities for your future. An application in the form of a CV and a cover letter can be sent to: recruitment@casamona.com. There are job postings often, as Casamona is always looking for new interns.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Written by Christina Assorian as well as other members from Casamona team (2017 - 2020)


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